427 Marilyn Lane, Alcoa, TN, 37701
Our Instagram page shows you our martial art classes in action and our friendly martial arts environment
Do you live in Maryville, Alcoa, Lenoir City, Farragut or Knoxville? Want to improve your mental and physical health? Do you want to compete in Boxing, Muay Thai, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) or BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)? Our martial art classes help every student at all levels! Contact us at 865 919 7802 to find out more, we have the only USA competition boxing ring in town which definitely helps our competition students trying to become better fighters!
FITBJJ - Intro For Self Defense, Martial Arts, Brazilian Ju Jitsu BJJ & Boxing

Boxing Lessons

Muay Thai Lessons

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Everybody Welcome

Build Confidence

From $17 Per Week

FITBJJ - Intro For Self Defense, Martial Arts, Brazilian Ju Jitsu BJJ & Boxing

The Importance Of Womens Self-Defense

What Is Self-Defense?

Universally, self-defense is justified when an unprovoked attack which threatens imminent injury or death, and an objectively reasonable degree of force, used in response to an objectively reasonable fear of injury or death. Thus, women’s self-defense training can be defined as a set of awareness, assertiveness, verbal confrontation skills, safety strategies, and physical techniques that enable someone to successfully escape, resist, and survive violent attacks. Women do not ask for, cause, invite, or deserve to be assaulted. Women and men sometimes exercise poor judgement about safety behavior, but that does not make them responsible for the attack. Attackers are responsible for their attacks and their use of violence to overpower, control, and abuse another human being.

Is Self-Defense Effective?

Yes. Self-defense training can increase your options and help you prepare responses to slow down, de-escalate, or interrupt an attack. Like any tool, the more you know about it and its effectiveness, the more informed you are to decide and to use it. There are no guarantees when it comes to self-protection. However, self-defense training can greatly increase your choices and your preparedness. Of course, practice makes improvement. The more you practice the techniques learned, the more confident you will become to execute them as the goal is for it to become second nature to avoid or minimize hesitation.

Why Ladies Self-Defense Is Important?

At the time of writing this, in America, an average of 500 women a day experience sexual assault in some way. On college campuses, it has been noted that 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted during their time there. Those can be quite concerning number for anyone. On top of that 1 in 4 women experience violent acts of assault from a boyfriend or spouse at some point.
In Knoxville, on May 24, 2022 an article was published of a man charged with sexual assault against a 13 year old. Just this past September 6th, 2022 a woman was violently attacked and nearly kidnapped on her morning job in downtown Knoxville following another similar case in Memphis. 

Our understanding is that it can happen anywhere and to anybody. Yet, it’s hardly expected no matter who it happens to. You simply cannot predict when these attacks occur. However, our understanding is that you can drastically decrease the chances of it happening and greatly increase the chances of your survival with the proper consistent mental and physical preparation through ladies self-defense training.

Why We Teach Ladies Self-Defense Classes:

At FITBJJ we offer martial arts classes in the realm of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) primarily. However, not everybody is in it for the sport or fitness & weight-loss benefits that Brazilian Ju-Jitsu (BJJ) generates. Although, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a great self-defence tool and covers a whole slew of contexts as well as submissions, the goals are quite different in a self-defense situation where your primary focus should be to get home safely. For this reason, we made it a point to incorporate a ladies self-defense training program near you to not only provide a valuable service through our gym to the ladies of the community (Maryville, Alcoa, Knoxville), but to also provide an empowering community of women who encourage one another. Throughout our lady’s self-defense class, we teach women everything from the importance of situational awareness as well as very key principles of women’s self-defense utilizing leverage-based Ju-jitsu techniques that enable one to defeat, or at the very least safely defend yourself from a much larger & strong assailant. Whether you want to learn how to defend yourself, your kids, or others, you will learn several tools on how to successfully escape a wide variety of some of the most common dangerous scenarios.

(Our martial arts and fitness gym is nextdoor to the Tennessee Vein Center)


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