427 Marilyn Lane, Alcoa, TN, 37701
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Do you live in Maryville, Alcoa, Lenoir City, Farragut or Knoxville? Want to improve your mental and physical health? Do you want to compete in Boxing, Muay Thai, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) or BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)? Our martial art classes help every student at all levels! Contact us at 865 919 7802 to find out more, we have the only USA competition boxing ring in town which definitely helps our competition students trying to become better fighters!
FITBJJ - Intro For Self Defense, Martial Arts, Brazilian Ju Jitsu BJJ & Boxing

Boxing Lessons

Muay Thai Lessons

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Everybody Welcome

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From $17 Per Week

FITBJJ - Intro For Self Defense, Martial Arts, Brazilian Ju Jitsu BJJ & Boxing

Why Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)

The age-old question. What sets Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu apart from other martial arts?

Why Is BJJ Different?

There are many different types of martial arts that cover different aspects of self-defense or just certain elements of combat sports as a whole. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), is often referred to as “the gentle art.” 

The main reason for this is because it doesn’t focus on, nor does it rely on striking with kicking, punches, or even scratching or biting. As mentioned in previous articles, Jiu Jitsu is a grappling based martial art & sport. Meaning there is no striking involved. Many martial arts will have you practice kicking and punching as your main mode of defense with grappling being executed only if the opponent grabs you. This is because they believe in a “one strike victory” mentality many of the times. In Jiu-Jitsu the main goal is to use leverage and technique to off balance, pin, and eventually submit a potentially larger and stronger opponent via a joint lock or strangle hold. However, in self-defense situations where the goal is very different, strikes may be used for certain scenarios. But in our opinion, nothing is more important than being able to control the distance.

While self-defense Jiu-Jitsu practices kicking and punching, these techniques are often used just as a distraction or simply an aid to get inside your opponent’s striking distance and throw them to the ground or begin applying chokes or joint locks. This is because we understand, through practice and real-world application, that one strike knockouts are very rare and counting on them is a poor habit. Grappling, however, is almost impossible to avoid in a defensive encounter. Closing the distance and controlling distance opens the doorway for far more options when it comes to controlling an aggressive opponent when distance can’t be created. Whether it’s a fight between two people, or an aggressive assault of some sort, grappling is almost always part of the action. By understanding grappling, you can manage and minimize the damage someone does to you.

BJJ For Kids:

This is also another great reason BJJ for kids can be a fantastic form of exercise. As kids grow, they are still exploring their equilibrium and body awareness. As a result, BJJ for kids can be a great addition to their overall development and building integrative strength in kids. Not to mention how Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is amazing confidence booster for kids.

Training BJJ Versus Other Martial Arts:

One of the most profound differences between Jiu-Jitsu and other martial arts is the training methods employed. When training most other martial arts such as karate, Taekwondo, kick-boxing, you will spend a lot of time drilling alone. Kicking and punching the air while moving from one side of the floor to the other. These things, while great for learning balance and developing some endurances, really don’t teach you anything about how to use the techniques and apply them against an external force. 

While other martial arts involve a lot of striking, it’s often with little contact. This means they really have no idea what will happen when they make contact with an opponent during a defensive situation. Watching Boxing, MMA, Kickboxing, and Muay Thai footage should show a clear indication that most people can take a lot of abuse and don’t get knocked out in one or two punches. Often times, these matches go on for 10, 15, sometimes even 25 minutes and neither person is ever knocked out. Rather, they end up cut, bruised, and completely dazed. So, we don’t really think striking is the best option, especially when discussing training for the masses. Ultimately, you have far less control and that opens the doorway for far more damage to be done on yourself and your opponent or training partner.

In Ju-Jitsu, however, the training is nearly always with a partner. This will help to make sure your time in training is optimized. You spend your time developing the timing and reflexes to actually make the techniques you learn work in a realistic situation. You’re training against another opponent who is trying to stop you from applying your techniques and in the meanwhile, they’re trying to apply their own. In turn, both people become better at reacting and fighting.

The obvious benefit of BJJ training method is that every participant knows for a fact that their moves will work for them because they are eventually practiced in real time. Through joint locks, strangle holds, and knowing how much pressure it takes to hurt someone, you learn under a safe environment how to control that strength until its really needed. It’s not often in other martial arts such as ones that involve striking where you are able to consistently submit opponents or training partners, and they aren’t completely injured afterwards. Various training options, styles, and body types teaches you to broaden your repertoire as well. You eventually learn to train with different types of opponents that present different challenges making you much more versatile in your training style.

In the end, it’s the depth of content, application of techniques and method of training that sets Ju-Jitsu head and shoulders above other arts in terms of a consistent outcome. Certainly, a good head kick or punch can knock out an opponent. But most often, this is not the case. It would be like using a gun that sometimes shoots and sometimes does not. This just doesn’t make sense and in the long term may be difficult for people to get behind the idea that it’s an effective form of training. Jiu-Jitsu, more than any other martial art, will deliver (and has delivered) consistent results time and time again. Hence why the military and police force has begun incorporating Brazilian Ju jitsu (BJJ) into their training as it is extremely conducive toward subduing an opponent without actually having to severely injure them. And that’s what sets Brazilian Jiu-jitsu far apart many other martial arts 

(Our martial arts and fitness gym is nextdoor to the Tennessee Vein Center)


Two Best Martial Arts for Self-Defense
At FITBJJ, we look to do our absolute best at providing an all-round great curriculum to teach people the most proper striking and grappling techniques Maryville / Alcoa has to offer.
Improve Your Physical & Mental Fitness With BJJ
BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) was developed with the purpose of promoting the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using proper leverage and technique to control an assailant or submit them
Football, BJJ, & Biomechanics
BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-jitsu) grappling can make a football player an even better player due to (although not limited to) the mechanical drivers that are involved within the two sports